Tag Archives: Art

Exhibit Label Lessons, or Be Like Liedtke

Curator’s Comment, Part the First: Beverly Serrell, in her opening paragraph to Chapter 6, said exhibit labels should provide, “information about objects accessible to visitors with different backgrounds and interests.” This may not be what she had in mind (even if it might be effective):

'Art rhetoric' - 'Normal language'


Curator’s Comment, Part the Second: Or you could skip all that layering and just write compelling, provocative labels, like Walter Liedtke, who died tragically last year, did. Here’s his label for the Merrymakers at Shrovetide:

Comedians Give Tour of Portland Art Museum, or This is the Next Room Full of Paintings

Sure, Objects Speak For Themselves…

A Revealing Audio Tour

'This painting was purchased on a whim by our ex-curator of drawings and paintings.'

The Painting POTUS

Creativity on Both Sides of the Caper

An Illustrated (and Quite Animated) History Lesson

Curator’s Comment: Lydia has better museumy tattoos than most other Museum People’s Tattoos.

Which End Is Up?

takehart - Copy

Click Image to Play

Now That’s Security!

Curator’s Comment: The title of the following clip is Don’t Do This At an Art Museum. We think that applies to both of them.

Inspector Gadget: Blurring the Lines Between Art and Intrigue At the Museum

Curator’s Comments: Did you ever consider that cartoons such as this are many children’s introduction to art and art museums? We didn’t think so.